Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for Doggeral

In real life:
Doggeral: Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous or burlesque nature.

In CatLady land:
Doggeral: The language spoken by dogs. 

Now, Doggeral is not to be confused with Catonese, which the language spoken by cats. The difference is subtle but it's certainly detectable. You have to watch for the very slight nuances of inflection and tone... one characteristic of the dog, the other the cat.

See if you can tell the difference in these two memes about hats.



Did you catch the difference? It's suBtle, very, very suBtle.


  1. I know that dogs are some of the smartest creatures around, but when compared to cats, they just don't present that well. :) Your post made me smile, but I'm not prejudiced or anything.

    1. I just showed my husband the pictures and you got a really good laugh from him. Thanks for brightening our day.

    2. Not that I'm biased either! I'm glad you and Ward both got a kick out of my warped sense of humor. :-)

  2. My dog is dumber than most cats! If we could put the Bill Larsen canine language decoder helmet on, we'd realize my dog was saying "Duh?".

    1. Ha! But they are endearing in their own doggie way.

  3. Cats rule and dogs drool....or so I've heard

    1. This is what I've heard too... but I think Princess could take on any dog in the drool department! :-)


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