
About Me

Hello World! My name is Cat, and I love... well, I love cats!

I also hate work, and pretty much refuse to "play the games" expected of me by the broader society. Therefore, I've spent my entire adult life looking for ways to outsmart the system and live my little bohemian life on my own terms.

The closest I ever came to having a "real job" was running a non-profit folk music school - which I did for 16 years. But eventually it just became too darned "jobby," so I started up a few web pages to give myself a source of passive income, and exited the world of employment in 2006 at the age of 39.

I lead what most Americans would consider to be an extremely frugal lifestyle, but I feel wealthy beyond compare. I live quite happily on $15-$20K annually (which includes my business expenses,) and once I get my mortgage paid off - and I'm on track to have it gone by 2013, I'll need even less money than that. Woo Hoo!!

I live in a huge (to me) 900 square foot home in a working class, mostly immigrant neighborhood in Denver, Colorado - "The Land of Cracker Box Houses" as I fondly refer to it.

I have an unconventionally wonderful relationship with my sweetie of 20 years, who I refer to as CatMan. He's just as committed as I am to living life on his own terms, and the two of us decided many years ago that we didn't want to cohabitate - as I said, we're unconventional, but extremely happy.

My only "kids" are my ridiculously spoiled fe-lions... all of whom were neighborhood strays who adopted me.

I'm afraid that aside from the mortgage, my cats are my single biggest expense, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love gardening, yoga, cycling, football (sorry, but I can't help it,) cooking, music and cats... did I mention I love cats?

I sorta consider blogging to be one big excuse to cruise the interwebs looking for adorable LOLCAT photos... you didn't notice that did you?

I consider myself to be an "armchair Buddhist," meaning that I pretty much believe the same things that Buddhists do... although I'm not a practicing member of the religion. I also didn't adopt these beliefs because they were Buddhist beliefs, I just discovered a faith that preaches what I already believed - pretty darned cool, don't ya think? Anyhow, people of all faiths (or no faith) are welcome here, but if you're easily offended take heed: I'm an irreverent bastard, I cuss like a sailor, and I don't hold back when I have strong opinions.

If this offends you, consider yourself warned!
I fear my blog doesn't really have much of a theme. I just enjoy blathering about the crazy things I do, and the even crazier things I see people around me doing.

When I call myself "eco" I mean it both in the ecological sense as well as the economical one. Frankly, I think that one without the other is sort of a losing game, so I try very hard to look for the "sweet spot" where environmentalism meets frugality - with a bit of laziness sprinkled on the top for good measure. I don't always find said "sweet spot" but I'm always trying.

Although I do have advertisements on my blog, I don't really consider this to be a money making endeavor. I am happy to collect the $10 or so that I make every month from this site, but mostly, I just enjoy connecting with other folks out there with whom I might have something in common.

I don't blog on a schedule... I pretty much refuse to do ANYTHING on a schedule, because really... why make an enjoyable activity into work?

I do try to respond to every comment, although sometimes it takes me a while. If you want to be notified via email regarding other comments on a given post (which will include my responses as well as comments made by other folks) you can click on the "subscribe by email" link under the comment box. I cannot vouch for how well this works since Blogger isn't um... well... let's just say it's not the most robust blogging platform out there.

You can also just check back to see what sort of comments I have blathered in response to your thoughts. And please don't take it personally if I fail to respond for a day or two... it just means that I'm ignoring the interwebs for a while.

Anyhooooo - I hope y'all enjoy my random blatherings, and please join in the conversation. If for some reason you'd like to contact me, you can send me an email at: EcoCatLady at GMail dot com - but be forewarned... I don't check my email on a schedule either and have been known to forget all about it for weeks at a time.

Thanks for visiting, and be well!


  1. Dear lovely ecocatlady, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award! Please keep up the good work on your blog which always brings a smile to my face! P

    1. Awwww shucks! That's awfully sweet of you. I'm gonna have to come up with some creative way of accepting this award without nominating other recipients because that part always makes my stomach hurt.

    2. What a fun and interesting site! Love all the cat stuff. Hate shampooing my hair and coincidentally, used to be from Denver!

  2. Hello again :)

    I was wondering if you'd be interested in a humorous article that about 'business management lessons cats teach us'. Of course, plenty of imagination will be used but it'll all make sense.


    1. Well I'd love to read it, but I don't do guest posts because it's just a whole other can of worms that I don't want to get into.

    2. Is that so? I was hoping you'd say, 'yes! Of course I'll publish it, especially since it'll be for free' :) But it's ok...

    3. Here's the thing... I don't really consider this blog to be a publishing platform... it's more like my personal diary. So the idea of a guest post just doesn't make much sense to me. But you are welcome to comment as much as you like!

  3. Hey, I was thinking about you and the fact that I aspire to live like you do (minus cats, as much as I like them I can't be bothered with creatures besides myself that need to be fed on a regular basis. I have enough trouble remembering to eat myself!). Never noticed this about page, but I love it! I don't cruise the interwebs for kitty pictures, but I love the ones you pick out for your posts.

    1. To be honest, it sort of scares me to think that someone might aspire to live like I do - that's a big responsibility! Maybe you can just emulate the good parts and skip all of the idiocy!

  4. Hi EcoCat I want to ask what you did for hte problem of google images? many friends are getting sites to decrease income, so they want to close.
    You thought some solution ?

    1. I wish I had a solution. My photo site ( is tanking, along with a good chunk of my income. Traffic is down 50% and still falling. The only thing I can think of is to disable image hotlinking in the htaccess file - but I think this would also remove the images from Google Image search, which would pretty effectively destroy the site all by itself.

      For the moment I'm just gonna wait and see what happens, and hope that Google will figure out that it's really hurting itself by taking so much traffic away from publishers, many of whom host THEIR Ads! Or maybe some of the bigger publishers can get them to change it by threatening legal action or something. But failing that, I think I'll be looking for a new way to make a living!

  5. Hi Cat, it's Eliza from Happy Simple Living. I'm so glad to discover your blog, especially since I, too love cats and LOLcats! I love your broadened definition of "eco" and reading about your unconventional - but refreshingly liberated - approach to life. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    1. Awww shucks, thanks so much for stopping by. I was kinda scared that I might have pissed you off with my grumpy attitude towards Christmas! I fear holding my tongue is not one of my strong suits. :-)

      So glad to "meet" you, and hope to see you around the blogosphere!

  6. I like your attitude! And I enjoy both reading your posts and getting your comments on my blog!

  7. Cat...scary but...i think we were separated at birth. I could have used your biography as my own. I am going to make a point to check in more often.

    1. You're welcome any time! I have to admit it's sort of a scary thought that there's someone out there so much like me. I'm not sure the world could handle more than one of me! :-)

  8. Hello my darling Cat!
    I was just popping by your site to see what you have been up to. I recently just updated my computer to a newer model as well and I am going through all of my Oldies and Goodies and re-stumbled upon your site. Happy to see that you are still at it!
    Just wanted to say hi and send you some love from Canada!
    xo Maren (aka Marebare).

    1. MAREN!!!! How the heck are you? It's so nice to hear from you. I'm hoping you are well. I'm gonna go check out the last url I had for you... are you still blogging?
      Big hugs from the Mile High City!!


I welcome your thoughts so please leave me a comment and I promise I will respond.

On older posts I've had to enable comment moderation to prevent spammers, so don't worry if your comment doesn't show up right away - unless you're just commenting for the sake of embedding a link, in which case I really wish you wouldn't waste your time or mine because I'll just delete it.

Thanks, and have a fabulous day!