
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Snow Day!

Well, today was supposed to be Jasper's dental cleaning and surgery. He's been practicing getting in his carrying case as if to say "I'm not afraid of no vet!"

They were predicting a small snow storm, like 2-4 inches, but when I got up around 6am, this is what I was greeted with:

Honestly, I thought about trying to brave it, but pretty soon all of the schools were cancelled, and there were reports of people sliding off the roads right and left. It was less about the total amount of snow - which ended being about 8-10 inches at my house - and more about the high winds, low visibility, and the fact that it was coming down at a rate of about 2 inches an hour right as the morning commute was beginning, so the streets were horrible.

At that point I decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and I called the vet and left a message cancelling Jasper's appointment.

I mean, getting stuck or in an accident would be one thing, but doing so with a kitty in tow would be a whole other. It just seemed like it would be adding way too much to an already stressful situation, and I couldn't see risking life and limb for the sake of a dental appointment.

So Jasper got a reprieve, and instead of going to the vet we all had a snow day.

Jasper watching the snow fall

Smoky looking at the snow outside the basement window

Me shoveling... and shoveling...

Snow hanging over the eaves

The alley where my garage is... after numerous trucks had gone down it
I feel mixed about it all, because given the vet's holiday schedule, this was the last chance to get his teeth done before January, so now he has to wait 3 more weeks. I'm both relieved to put it off for a while, and wishing that we'd been able to get it over with, both so I can stop worrying, and so poor little Jasper doesn't have to live any longer with bad teeth.

But it is what it is, so I guess we'll just nestle down and enjoy the holiday scenery for a while.

My neighbors went all out this year!

There will be plenty of time to worry about the vet in January!

So how about you? Have you had any snow days yet this season?


  1. Bless Jasper getting into his travel case! He looks pretty content there :) a pity he has to wait, but it looks like you are all pretty happy and cosy.

    We have absolutely no snow. The forecast overnight temperatures are 11C, which is completely normal...FOR JULY!!

    I am quite sad about this, as a) it doesn't feel festive here at all and b) the climate is clearly stuffed and East Anglia will soon be under water...

    1. It's been very sweet to watch Jasper going into his carrying case. Usually it's a huge battle getting them in there. You know, the last time we used this particular case was for Sputty... and the towel in there was one of Princess' favorites, that hasn't been used since she died. Maybe this is crazy, but part of me wonders if he can smell them, and that's why he keeps going in there.

      I've heard about your weather, and it is rather disconcerting. They're saying that the warm temps in the eastern US is due to the crazy big El Niño - I wonder if that's what's going on there too.

      I'll send you some snow if you like! :-)

    2. Aww, maybe he can smell Sputty and Princess- I think kitties have pretty sensitive noses!

      I've read conflicting things about the effect of El Niño- apparently it gives us cold winters, but also this mild weather! Perhaps the cold will come later...

      In the meantime, I'd love some of your snow...but only a couple of inches! (Although even that amount will mean the entire country grinds to a halt...)

      At this point, even a decent frost would be welcome!

    3. Hmmm... confusing how El Niño can give you both cold and mild weather - my theory is that it just puts more crazy into the atmosphere!

      Anyhow, you can have the snow! :-)

  2. You made a good decision staying out of the snow and canceling Jasper's appointment. The snow looks so unreal to me as it has been unseasonably warm here recently.

    1. Thanks June. I felt a little bit guilty about cancelling, but I'm trying really hard to go a little bit easier on myself these days - it's a challenge for me!

      And my take is that you should enjoy the crazy warm weather while you've got it because your day will come! :-)

  3. I woke up to frost on the windshield this morning, which is pretty rare here in our part of AZ. Nothing like a little weather to remind you that it's winter again.

    Here's to hoping Jasper's teeth don't bother him too much over the next couple weeks, and Happy Holidays!

    1. Wow! Frost in Arizona?!? That's almost unheard of isn't it? Jasper thanks you for the well wishes. He's thoroughly enjoying a sun beam at the moment!

  4. We are breaking records here with our mild weather. Possible snow coming on Friday, but next week will warm up again so our chances of snow at Christmas are nil. It's kind of dreary out, but I confess that I don't miss driving on snowy, icy roads.

    I think you made the responsible choice in cancelling your vet appointment. Not only are you playing it safe with your life, your cat's lives, and your car, you may potentially be minimizing the need for putting an emergency responder at risk by having to help you. I wish more people would make similar choices when the road conditions are crappy. Enjoy your snow day!

    1. Thanks Kris. It seems to be feast or famine with the weather lately. We've got more snow coming tonight, but hopefully nothing like what we had yesterday. Not sure if it will stick around until Christmas, but it does look like a winter wonderland out there right now! It does look pretty, but I don't think there will be any bike rides for a while!

      Thanks for your support on my decision to stay home. I do feel a bit guilty since the vet ended up being open - but you're totally right. Trying to be a hero really doesn't help anyone in these situations.

    2. You definitely shouldn't feel guilty! You would have been extra stressed by the weather conditions, which I'm sure Jasper would pick up on- much better to stay safe and go later!

    3. This is true. For some reason I really struggle with the whole idea of letting myself off the hook. Gotta work on that one!

  5. That is a lot of snow, I wouldn't want to drive in that either.

    1. I used to be better at driving in the snow, but I drive soooo little these days, that it just seems like way too much stress for me!

  6. Good choice to stay home. People are stupid during the first snow fall even here where they should know to slow down and be more cautious. I always tried to avoid driving on that first snow day.

    It doesn't look like we will get any snow before the end of the year. It's 48 and raining today and we are expecting mid 50s and 60s for Christmas eve and Christmas. I used to say that if I can't wake to snow on Christmas I don't want it any other time of the year but this year my youngest granddaughter wanted me to be at their house Christmas morning to see her open her gifts and with no snow I'll be able to get in their house. They have this hugely steep drive that with any snow or ice makes it impossible for my son to get enough traction to push me up the hill. It also means I won't be preparing dinner this year, a first, not sure how that will feel but hey no clean up either.

    Sorry Jasper has to wait longer on his dental appointment but it looks like he's adjusting well now that life has settled down some for you and he's getting more attention.

    Btw, you can keep the snow. :-)

    1. Gosh... I think this is the 5th or 6th snow of the year, but the first real big one. You haven't had any yet? Well, it could be worse... I think I'd rather have unseasonably warm weather than to be stuck under another polar vortex!

      Hope you have a wonderful Christmas at your son's house!

    2. Did you see my post from yesterday? We finally got our first snow in Pittsburgh I put the photo at the end. Now my son an hour north got about two feet yesterday. Today the high is 30 and after that the temps rise and shift between 49 to 66 for the next ten days. It's a crazy season. I keep telling myself that as much as I hate the snow we need the precipitation, then we started to get rain days and expect a few more so I'll take the warmer temps as long as we get some rain to keep our water table up.

  7. Wow, look at your snow, is that normal for this time of the year. We have had mild weather which is not really normal for us, but I am very glad. Probably not a white Christmas here.
    I can understand how you feel about delaying Jasper's surgery, I'll bet he's not a bit bothered, just give him some extra soft food.

    1. Hi Marieann - well, it's been a bit snowier than usual so far this season. We totaled over a foot in November, and I think with this recent storm we're ahead of where we "should" be. Of course, the folks up in the mountains are rejoicing because it means a great ski season!

      I think you're right about Jasper. He doesn't seem to be suffering, and he's probably just as glad to put it off as long as possible! And since I know he's beyond the point where home remedies can help, I've stopped chasing him around with the toothbrush, and for that he is grateful! We'll start up again after he's all healed up from the surgery so hopefully we'll be able to avoid a repeat performance.

      OMG.... the sun just came out! Woo Hoo! I see some sun beam kitty snuggles in my near future! :-)

  8. Snow? No snow down here in the big ATL. When we get anything, it's mostly ICE, which is annoying. Pretty, but annoying.

    Y'all get some strange weather in CO: super sunny, pummeling hail, or lots of snow! But the Christmas lights look fun. Enjoy your cats!

    1. Ha! Yes, Denver weather is crazy. Living next to a big mountain range will do that. At least we don't have humidity to deal with!


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