
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Yes, It's Mid May - Why Do You Ask?

Well... one could be forgiven for being a bit confused.

This is the scene I woke up to yesterday:

It actually wasn't too bad... the ground was so warm that nothing really stuck to the pavement. I was fearing a lot of broken branches, but it looks like we came through fairly unscathed.

And the plants were happy in their little coverings. They actually got an extra layer since it was supposed to get down into the low 20's this morning.

I'm not sure how cold it actually got, but everything seems to have survived just fine.

Even the uncovered stuff did OK... like the oregano and catnip that I recently transplanted.

Oregano transplant
The herbs have been completely taking over my vegetable garden, so I'm trying to move them to the front yard where they can spread to their heart's content and hopefully fill in the xeriscape a bit. Hey... I figure if they're coming up in the cracks in the driveway, they can probably survive the neglect they will suffer in the front yard!

Even the lilacs seem to have made it through with flying colors.

So the sun is shining, the melt is on, and all is right with the world!


  1. I love the picture of your covered plants. They look like little creatures with snow hats on. They made me think of Cousin It from the Adams Family.

    1. Da-da-da-dum (snap, snap) - Da-da-da-dum (snap, snap) - Da-da-da-dum, Da-da-da-dum, Da-da-da-dum (snap, snap). They're creepy and they're kookie, there really kinda spooky, they're altogether ookie, the Adams Family!

      Now see what you've done!! :-)

    2. I do believe that I will be going to sleep with that song in my head tonight. However, there could be worse songs.

  2. It's always weird to see snow on top of leaves and garden plants. I've never seen that much snow in Michigan in May but I have in October. Glad your plants seem to have survived!

    Your Addams Family song reminds me of when my coworkers and I dressed up with that as our theme one Halloween. Was Gomez the name of the husband? I was quite convincing costumed as him. :)

    1. Ahhh yes, Gomez Addams. I used to have a co-worker who thought he was the quintessential male!

  3. yay! I'm really glad everything seems okay :)

    And lilacs, mmm! Love that smell!

    1. Well... I fear I may have spoken too soon. The next night it got colder than expected, so I should have left the covers on. The tomatoes and peppers actually did fin in the wall-o-waters, but the potatoes got nipped. Oh well, c'est la vie!

  4. I like the photo with the crowns of snow, too!

    1. It's funny... I didn't see little people in them until Live & Learn mentioned it, but now it's all I can see!

  5. Those little plant teepees are just about the cutest thing ever. In the winter, we do the same with some of our plants & cacti for the handful of nights we get near freezing. Amazing what a little sheet can do!

    1. Ha! Oh, what a different world you live in. In the winter here we just figure everything is gonna die back. It always surprises me that some plants actually can winter over!


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