
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Something for Everyone

I've got a bunch of deep and thoughtful posts brewing in my little brain, but for the moment, all I can think about is the weather.

We had beautiful weather this week. It was so warm, in fact that CatMan and I went for a 30 mile bike ride... it was GREAT!

I was totally getting a case of spring fever, and the spinach was looking more like April than January. It even convinced the poor little bulbs in my backyard that spring had arrived as they've started sending up new shoots already.

But now.... the news is telling all to expect....


Apologies to any non Buckaroo Bonzai fans out there.

Anyhow, they're saying 17 inches of snow in my neighborhood, and I am totally psyched! The litter boxes are clean, the garbage is all taken out, the props holding up the drooping deck have been shored up, the pantry is stocked and I'm ready to hunker down for the next 4-5 days. I'm hoping we don't lose power, but as long as that doesn't happen, I loves me a good blizzard, and the flakes are falling already.

Happy Snow Everybody!!


  1. Snow if fun as long as the power is on and you can stay inside, or at least off the roads. Granted Ohio is no Colorado, but it's only snowed twice this winter, one dusting and one whole half-inch. Who knew I'd miss snow?

    1. Last year we had the barely any snow winter, and while it was odd, at least there was less cause to worry about Princess, who was still living under the pine tree at that point. Now that she's safely inside, it can snow all it wants! Looks like about 4 inches so far...

  2. I'm not built for the snow, but it sounds like you're all set.

    That first picture makes me happy :)

    1. Awww... I don't know how anybody could look at that picture and not get happy!

  3. Hope you are enjoying your blizzard - I mean really, who wouldn't enjoy a good blizzard? ;-)

    1. Oops... I meant that comment below to be a reply to your comment... I still haven't quite figured out this nested comments thing!

    2. I just wanna know how you got the reply to comments on your blog - I don't have it and can't figure out how to add it!!

    3. I have no earthly idea... it just showed up one day a few weeks ago... I didn't do a thing! I'm guessing it might have something to do with the template... like whoever made the template built it in? But that's just a guess.

  4. Yeah... I just came in from shoveling. I fear it's not quite as epic as the news was making it sound, but we've got a good 12-14 inches out there and more is still falling.

    I think some part of my psyche still has the old school's closed snow day mentality when it comes to blizzards. Although, these days it sort of loses a bit of its pull since pretty much every day is a day off!

    It's still fun though!

    1. I can imagine especially since I work at a school - although there are no snow days in Florida. Once in a while we get a hurricane day but those aren't as fun, nothing to go out to play in - unless you have a thing for standing in wind strong enough to smash you into your neighbors wall ;-)

    2. Oh man... life without snow days... sounds sorta bleak. Of course you do have the beach and the sun, not a bad trade off! :~)

  5. On days like that I totally go into "Laura Ingalls Wilder" mode. I start baking, cooking, freezing, and house cleaning. I like to say that God invented January 'cause that's when we're supposed to clean house and empty our closets for Goodwill.

    1. Ha! I totally know what you mean. I am so lucky that I actually do get to hold up and play when it snows.


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